The Silent Scream is a YouTube video of an ultrasound capturing an abortion.  From a baby’s beautiful developing environment within the womb to the brutal intrusion of an abortionist, this video provides absolute proof that an abortion is the killing of a developing human being.

Providing commentary and guiding the viewer throughout the video is Dr. Bernard Nathanson.  He identifies the baby within the womb illustrating how comfortable and peaceful the baby is.  Normal heart beat, stable positioning within the womb and all other indicators illustrate the peaceful developing environment within the womb.  It all changes and visibly so, with the intrusive instruments of death the abortionist uses to begin the abortion.

Loyola High school is a private Catholic school in west end Montreal. Last year the school took the Quebec government to court to try to get an exemption from having to teach the required generic ethics and morality course developed by Quebec’s Education Ministry.

This week the court handed down its ruling: it strongly backed Loyola that as a Catholic school it could opt out from having to teach the mandated religion course that all students in the province are required to study.

If you are like me in some small way, you naturally accept the opportunity to bring the truth to those who do not recognize or understand it.

An article in the National Post reported that a so called “Catholic" group sent a letter to Prime Minister Stephen Harper pressuring him to include abortion at the upcoming G8/20 Summit. Even Hillary Clinton has openly criticized the Canadian government for not funding the International Planned Parenthood Federation. This organization promotes abortion as part of maternal health care.

“Every country is greatly concerned with the well-being of mothers and children. In Canada some of the most advanced legislation in the world provides a monthly allowance for every child, makes available money for research and improved services for mothers and children, and assists both official and voluntary organizations in extending the operation of clinics, hospitals and health services.” (From the Introduction to The Canadian Mother and Child by Ernest Couture, M.

Should a Cardinal in Quebec have the right to talk in the public square about the teaching of his faith? Can Canadian Catholics still express what they believe publicly? From the reactions of some Canadians to what Cardinal Ouellet recently said, the answer to these questions is NO. In Canada, it seems we’re slowly but surely losing our religious freedom.

Today’s blog posting is but one of a series of postings that I will make, drawing attention to the evil of abortion.  Although today’s entry draws specifically from the Catholic Church’s teaching on abortion, I hope it will appeal to all Christians, non-Christians and all people of good will.  As Canadians, we should all stand together to fight the good fight and defend life.

Here at Everyday For Life Canada, abortion takes on a central significance.
Welcome To This Blog
Welcome To This Blog
A warm welcome to everyone to this blog. This blog is an effort by Lou Iacobelli, a Canadian and father who cares about life, family and Canada. My hope is that you will find this humble media project of evangelization useful. The aim to help educate and activate Christians and all people of good will with the overall goal of restoring Canada to a "culture of life." May you always be encouraged to seek the Truth as the first step in seeking understanding.
Deuteronomy 30,19
Deuteronomy 30,19
See, I have set before you today life and prosperity, death and adversity; I call heaven and earth to witness against you today that I have set before you life and death, blessing and curses. Choose life so that you and your descendants may live.
Blog Archive
Blog Archive
About Me
About Me
Catholic father, grandfather and retired high school teacher. We're pro-life and pro-family. We believe in the right to life because without it there are no other rights. We stand for freedom of speech and the autonomy of the family.
1 Timothy 2:1-5
1 Timothy 2:1-5
First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings should be made for everyone, for kings and all who are in high positions, so that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and dignity. This is right and is acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour, who desires everyone to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.
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