A blessed and holy Christmas to everyone
(Note to our readers: With this entry, Everyday for Life Canada will take a Christmas break and return in the New Year. We wish you all a holy and blessed Christmas. Happy New Year to everyone!)
In his Christmas Message of 1959, Pope John XXIII offered a very insightful statement about achieving peace: His address urges us to work for peace of the heart, in our social relations and in the international sphere. At the time, the world was concerned about the build up of nuclear arms and that the crisis could lead to the destruction of the planet. The Pope's observations continue to be just as relevant today because the obstacles to peace, human malice and greed, remain the same. For human beings to experience a true conversion to peace, they must put Christ at the centre of their lives.
In his Christmas Message of 1959, Pope John XXIII offered a very insightful statement about achieving peace: His address urges us to work for peace of the heart, in our social relations and in the international sphere. At the time, the world was concerned about the build up of nuclear arms and that the crisis could lead to the destruction of the planet. The Pope's observations continue to be just as relevant today because the obstacles to peace, human malice and greed, remain the same. For human beings to experience a true conversion to peace, they must put Christ at the centre of their lives.