Canada Needs More Young Pro-life Leaders Like Lia Mills
Have you heard of Lia Mills? She was the youngest pro-life speakers at last year’s international pro-life conference called, Building a Global Culture of Life, held in Ottawa. She’s only fourteen years old. Her pro-life battle started back in Grade 7. She chose to write on the topic of abortion in order to complete a school speech assignment. Even after her teacher told her to choose a less controversial topic and under the threat of being disqualified, Lia did not change her mind. Her teacher thought Lia would not make it to the final round because she had made an argument against abortion and had also a referred to God. She was asked to remove the sentence about God. She refused claiming that it was God who had given her the topic.
It doesn’t end here. It gets even better.
It doesn’t end here. It gets even better.