Divini Illius Magistri or a sound guide to a Christian education
Where does a parent go today to know what is a good Christian education for children? Not all parents can turn to homeschooling or private schools. The provincial funded schools, either the public or the Catholic schools can no longer be trusted to give students a sound Christian education. Many parishes have stopped offering programs to teach families the Catechism.
A great source of information to guide the faithful can be found in documents published by the church. Divini Illius Magistri an encyclical by Pope Pius XI, published December 31, 1929, on the theme of Christian Education of Youth is a prime example of this. This work can be used as a guide in directing the moral education of young people.
A great source of information to guide the faithful can be found in documents published by the church. Divini Illius Magistri an encyclical by Pope Pius XI, published December 31, 1929, on the theme of Christian Education of Youth is a prime example of this. This work can be used as a guide in directing the moral education of young people.