There have been so many parental protests against the sex "education" curriculum that is planned for Ontario schools for the coming school year 2015-16. Parents justly believe that the curriculum is not education but indoctrination, and so they reject the idea of having the state dictate to them family values and beliefs. They are battling to protect their children's innocence and from being sexualized in ways that are antithetical to their cultural standards and religious beliefs. To help parents get better informed on the issue we review Miriam Grossman's powerful book, You're teaching My Child What? She exposes the dangerous lies behind the push to fully accept comprehensive sex "education" in all schools and universities.

The release by the Ontario government of the Health and Physical Education, Grades 1-8, document that contains the radical sex education curriculum has been marked with much controversy, division and parental revolt. The number of parental protests and rallies across the province is unprecedented in Ontario education history. Parents are upset because they have not been consulted neither at the ballot box nor through their school boards.

As Ontarian parents battle Wynne's Liberal government about the radical sex "education" curriculum, it's worth looking back at what has happened to bring us to a divisive and controversial place on the important issues of family, marriage, human sexuality and education.

We hear from some critics and the mainstream media supporting Ontario's radical sex "education" curriculum say that parents are overreacting and if they would only read the document they would think differently. Well, let's do that by looking at some specific content.

Yesterday some 25,000 Canadians gathered on Parliament Hill in Ottawa and then walked along city streets for the annual March for Life. It was wonderful witness to life and to remember the millions of babies we have intentionally killed through abortion since 1969. Each death is paid by the provincial and federal governments with taxpayers' money. This year's theme was: Let Life Win. And in the end life will win.

Today we celebrate Our Lady of Fatima. We post a wonderful reflection written by Blessed Dominic of the Mother of God (+1849). He was a Passionist priest and theologian. It's featured in today's Magnificat for the Mediation of the Day. It was today in 1917 that the Blessed Mother began appearing to three children in Fatima, Portugal. The apparitions lasted for six months. She told Lucia, Jacinta and Francisco to pray the Rosary daily.

This post comes from a letter written by a very concerned Catholic mother about the controversial and radical sex "education" that is scheduled to be implemented this coming school year 2015-16. The letter also explains why she kept her children home for two days last week to protest the curriculum. It's been sent to the director of education, school principal, trustee, parish priest and Cardinal Thomas Collins.

The recent Globe and Mail editorial of May 8 titled, "Ontario's sex ed curriculum teaches society's values, and that's good" is clear evidence of why the protesting parents of the curriculum are right. The editorial's tone is one of arrogance and condescension to the tens of thousands of parents who have legitimate concerns about the curriculum. The editorial's argument like those of most mainstream media is biased and cheerleads for the government side.

The week long parental protest against the sex "education" curriculum in Ontario concludes this Friday. Thousands of children are being kept home to tell the government No to the curriculum. Premier Wynne and her Liberal government refuses to address parental concerns.

This week many parents are keeping their children home to protest the explicit sex "education." Unless the curriculum is changed or withdrawn, it will be taught starting this coming school year 2015-16. Premier Wynne continues to stand her ground telling parents participating in the "strike protest" that their children are missing out on classroom work on social studies, science and arithmetic.
Welcome To This Blog
Welcome To This Blog
A warm welcome to everyone to this blog. This blog is an effort by Lou Iacobelli, a Canadian and father who cares about life, family and Canada. My hope is that you will find this humble media project of evangelization useful. The aim to help educate and activate Christians and all people of good will with the overall goal of restoring Canada to a "culture of life." May you always be encouraged to seek the Truth as the first step in seeking understanding.
Deuteronomy 30,19
Deuteronomy 30,19
See, I have set before you today life and prosperity, death and adversity; I call heaven and earth to witness against you today that I have set before you life and death, blessing and curses. Choose life so that you and your descendants may live.
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About Me
About Me
Catholic father, grandfather and retired high school teacher. We're pro-life and pro-family. We believe in the right to life because without it there are no other rights. We stand for freedom of speech and the autonomy of the family.
1 Timothy 2:1-5
1 Timothy 2:1-5
First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings should be made for everyone, for kings and all who are in high positions, so that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and dignity. This is right and is acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour, who desires everyone to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.
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