A timely message from Thanksgiving Day United States 1789
On October 3, 1789, George Washington issued a Thanksgiving Day Proclamation at the request of Congress. Most Americans today would have a difficult time to even imagine the current President Barack Obama doing something similar. And if he miraculously did so, there certainly would be much criticism from the media and government about not mixing politics and religion. But the question remains: Who are we thanking on Thanksgiving Day if not God? Has the holiday been reduced to no more than spending and getting and the eating of turkey with all its trimmings? Is it just another big get together with friends and family?
America and Canada have Christian roots and we forget them at our peril. We should not be afraid to thank the Lord for every day and especially on Thanksgiving Day.
America and Canada have Christian roots and we forget them at our peril. We should not be afraid to thank the Lord for every day and especially on Thanksgiving Day.