Canada owes an apology to the millions of unborn babies killed since 1969
The Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau has apologized to all those who claim to be part of the ever expanding acronym LBBTQQIP2AAA. It's so easy to virtue signal with words of contrition and emotion to make sure the message is heard: Canada is now "inclusive" and "tolerant" and all should be forgiven with the help of tax dollars.
What is the Prime Minister's public apology supposed to mean? Don't misunderstand. We agree that discriminating or making it illegal for anyone, including homosexuals, from serving in public office is wrong and unjust. But in Canada, homosexuality was decriminalized in 1969. It was the same year that intentionally killing an unborn baby in the womb became legal.
What is the Prime Minister's public apology supposed to mean? Don't misunderstand. We agree that discriminating or making it illegal for anyone, including homosexuals, from serving in public office is wrong and unjust. But in Canada, homosexuality was decriminalized in 1969. It was the same year that intentionally killing an unborn baby in the womb became legal.