For the first week of Advent, we post the mediation of the day from the Magnificat. It was written by John Cardinal O'Connor who was the Archbishop of New York from 1984 until the year he died in 2000. Advent is the time of the liturgical year to pray and prepare for the birth of Jesus. It's four weeks to remind ourselves that our entire lives, this human pilgrimage which began with Original sin, is our advent. The domestic church, the family, this year must be more central than ever to our waiting, watching and celebration. Parents are called to spiritually lead their children to Jesus. They can no longer count on schools or the parishes, which remain closed because of a political pandemic,

to do so. The Gospel instructs us to "Take heed, watch" and be prepared to meet our Redeemer.

We agree with blogger Vox Cantoris that the shutdown of churches in the Archdiocese of Toronto is unwarranted. There is no need for another total cancellation of the in person celebration of Mass in all parishes again. The laity went through this lock-down during Easter, and now, unless the decision is reversed, the imposed closure will be true for Advent and Christmas. These draconian measures are unprecedented.

Today we post the meditation of the day from the Magnificat. It's worth considering that the post-modern Western can no longer even think of making such a Christian based statement. This reveals a lot about how much we have detached from out Christian roots. In Canada, our PM Justin Trudeau would not even dream of making a similar proclamation. We wish our American neighbours a very happy Thanksgiving Day.

This week the Toronto Star, published an opinion piece critical of the Separate School Boards in Ontario and the teaching of the Catechism of the Catholic Church on human sexuality. It's titled, "Debate about Toronto Catholic District School Board is overdue" and written by Rev. Michael Coren." 

Mr. Coren was a Catholic convert and was for years a strong defender of Catholicism. He has written books on the subject, and used to speak about the faith at parish events and conferences.

Rather than dealing with another lock-down and more isolation, 90-year-old Nancy Russell living in a retirement home chose to be euthanized. Canadian law makes it all legal. One report described the event as "normal," as family members gathered around her bed and sang as the doctor killed Nancy.

What is so sad is that Nancy had to choose death to have people with her for the last time, otherwise she faced long days of loneliness and more isolation.

Today we celebrate Christ's kingship and His universal Kingdom. We post a reflection by Pope Pius XI who reigned from 1922-1939. The citation comes from the Magnificat. It's from his encyclical Quas Primas published during the Holy Year of 1925. It's an instructive document worth reading, especially today as we mark this great liturgical Feast of Christ the King.

We post the letter Cardinal Thomas Collins sent to Joe Martino the chair of the TCDSB. He reminds the trustees that they took an oath to defend and promote Catholic teaching. At the board meeting of November 11, one parent addressing the board was censored by the chair and three other trustees from quoting the Catechism of the Catholic Church.

Radio-Canada posted a distorted article in French by Zacharie Routhier titled, ("Hundreds of Ontario schools invited to anti-abortion writing contest"). It's about Niagara Region Right to Life sponsoring the Father Ted Colleton Scholarship Program essay contest for high school students, in grades 11 and 12.

We post today the editorial from the Corriere Canadese. The editor Joseph Volpe has provided a great service to the community in covering the very divisive school board meetings about revising the Code of Conduct to include gender identity. He deserves a thank you for a job well done.

"Dr. Roger Hodkinson is the former Chairman of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons committee in Ottawa, he was once CEO of a large private medical laboratory in Edmonton, Alberta, and for the past 20 years has held the position as Chairman of a Medical Biotechnology company based in North Carolina currently tasked with selling a COVID-19 test.
Welcome To This Blog
Welcome To This Blog
A warm welcome to everyone to this blog. This blog is an effort by Lou Iacobelli, a Canadian and father who cares about life, family and Canada. My hope is that you will find this humble media project of evangelization useful. The aim to help educate and activate Christians and all people of good will with the overall goal of restoring Canada to a "culture of life." May you always be encouraged to seek the Truth as the first step in seeking understanding.
Deuteronomy 30,19
Deuteronomy 30,19
See, I have set before you today life and prosperity, death and adversity; I call heaven and earth to witness against you today that I have set before you life and death, blessing and curses. Choose life so that you and your descendants may live.
Blog Archive
Blog Archive
About Me
About Me
Catholic father, grandfather and retired high school teacher. We're pro-life and pro-family. We believe in the right to life because without it there are no other rights. We stand for freedom of speech and the autonomy of the family.
1 Timothy 2:1-5
1 Timothy 2:1-5
First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings should be made for everyone, for kings and all who are in high positions, so that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and dignity. This is right and is acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour, who desires everyone to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.
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