Canadian jailed pastor is released from prison: his "crime"? Holding a church service
After more than a month Pastor James Coates was finally released from a jail in Alberta last week. His trial will take place in two months. What "crime" did he commit? He held regular Sunday services at GraceLife Church. He put Christ ahead of public health orders. Costco, beer and alcohol stores are open across the country, but church gatherings must be shut down or greatly restricted. Even abortion clinics have remained open to kill unborn babies during the pandemic. People gathered for worship and prayer must spread the virus but not those shopping at the big box stores or attending any of the BLM protests.
Shame on Canada's political leaders for putting this Christian pastor in a maximum security prison as if he were a real criminal. Coates was held at the Remand Centre in Edmonton.
Shame on Canada's political leaders for putting this Christian pastor in a maximum security prison as if he were a real criminal. Coates was held at the Remand Centre in Edmonton.