The Holy Family is the model for the human family
Today, as we celebrate the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph, we post the mediation of the day from the Magnificat. It's written by Sister Mary Jean who was a Dominican sister, author and illustrator of children's stories.
The Humility of the Holy Family
Mary and Joseph were privileged above all the earth’s peoples in being able to live under the same roof with God Incarnate. They shielded him on the frightening flight into Egypt, guarded him during the exile. They heard his first word, guided his first step, and watched him grow out of babyhood into boyhood and young manhood. With God dwelling in it, the little house at Nazareth was as near to heaven as anything on earth could be. However humble their work, it was sweetened by the joy of doing it for Jesus.
The Humility of the Holy Family
Mary and Joseph were privileged above all the earth’s peoples in being able to live under the same roof with God Incarnate. They shielded him on the frightening flight into Egypt, guarded him during the exile. They heard his first word, guided his first step, and watched him grow out of babyhood into boyhood and young manhood. With God dwelling in it, the little house at Nazareth was as near to heaven as anything on earth could be. However humble their work, it was sweetened by the joy of doing it for Jesus.