Have you heard of AFFIRM? It's much more than what the word suggests
Parents, have you heard of AFFIRM? It's much more what the word means. It's actually a group that may come to an Ontario school board near you. It's already offered at the Waterloo Region District School Board and the Peel District School Board. Here's what their website states:
AFFIRM is an eight session, manualized intervention. It is focused on reducing depression and improving coping and sexual self-efficacy for LGBTTQQ2SA youth and adults by providing them opportunities to develop identity cognition (self-awareness, identifying risk), mood (recognizing the link between thoughts and feelings), and behaviour (identifying strengths and ways of coping), as well as equipping them with the tools to manage and influence those factors by themselves.
AFFIRM is an eight session, manualized intervention. It is focused on reducing depression and improving coping and sexual self-efficacy for LGBTTQQ2SA youth and adults by providing them opportunities to develop identity cognition (self-awareness, identifying risk), mood (recognizing the link between thoughts and feelings), and behaviour (identifying strengths and ways of coping), as well as equipping them with the tools to manage and influence those factors by themselves.