A marginalized community would not have the power to force their views on society
We are repeatedly told, by the media, politicians and even our employers, that the trans community is marginalized and victimized. So, why do they have the power to force their views on the rest of society? They have managed to get most western governments and the MSM to push their ideology. Nobody elected them to legislate over the majority. Have we just been told the "marginalized" lie? And if we tell a lie, often enough, we know what happens.
Governments, school boards, the MSM and major corporations keep peddling the idea that the lgbtq+ community is marginalized and we must correct this wrong. Every human resource department in Canada has been pushing Diversity, Inclusion and Equity (DIE) education and policies for well over a decade. We need to be tolerant.
Governments, school boards, the MSM and major corporations keep peddling the idea that the lgbtq+ community is marginalized and we must correct this wrong. Every human resource department in Canada has been pushing Diversity, Inclusion and Equity (DIE) education and policies for well over a decade. We need to be tolerant.