Marian Day of Prayer: Staying safe in the coming storm
On Saturday May 27, the Ave Maria Centre of Peace held a Marian Day of Prayer at the Good Shepherd Chaldean Cathedral, located in Toronto. Close to 500 people attended the day of prayer centred on theme of "Prophecy for Today and the End Age." It was a day, in the words of St. John Paul II, when the two lungs of the Church, the Western (Latin) and Easter rite united as one.
There were three presenters for the spiritual event: Christine Watkins, the popular Catholic speaker and author of the best selling book, The Warning: Testimonies and Prophecies of the Illumination of Conscience; Moira Noonan who came back to the faith after spending 25 years experimenting with the New Age practices. She writes about her story in her book, Ransomed from Darkness; and Fr.
There were three presenters for the spiritual event: Christine Watkins, the popular Catholic speaker and author of the best selling book, The Warning: Testimonies and Prophecies of the Illumination of Conscience; Moira Noonan who came back to the faith after spending 25 years experimenting with the New Age practices. She writes about her story in her book, Ransomed from Darkness; and Fr.