Equity and inclusive education is a complete failure
It's now close to ten years since provincial governments have been pushing equity and inclusive education in public schools. The lofty idea is to eliminate racism and homophobia and make our schools safe and welcoming environments. All students must achieve their best. Sounds great on paper. And most institutions and corporations have bought into the policy as well.
The Ministry of Education 2014 guiding document for the policy in Ontario is titled, "Equity and Inclusive Education in Ontario Schools: Guidelines for Policy Development and Implementation."
This is how equity, inclusive education and diversity are defined.
Diversity. The presence of a wide range of human qualities and attributes within a group, organization, or society.
The Ministry of Education 2014 guiding document for the policy in Ontario is titled, "Equity and Inclusive Education in Ontario Schools: Guidelines for Policy Development and Implementation."
This is how equity, inclusive education and diversity are defined.
Diversity. The presence of a wide range of human qualities and attributes within a group, organization, or society.