Open Letter to the Liberal Government of Canada: we reject your secular “trinity” of DIE
To PM Justin Trudeau and the Liberal Government of Canada
The Government of Canada has now directed military chaplains for this coming Remembrance Day services held in public not to refer to God or use any Christian prayers. Canadians are now instructed to pray in the name of the secular “trinity” of DIE, diversity, inclusivity and equity. The Liberal Government has placed itself before God and what Christians believe. The Government has chosen to worship at the altar of “neutrality” but must not force all Canadians to do the same. The majority of the men and women who died in war were Christians. We must respect that truth, and that much of Canada was founded on Judaeo-Christian principles.
As Christian Canadians, we must reject this heretical directive.
The Government of Canada has now directed military chaplains for this coming Remembrance Day services held in public not to refer to God or use any Christian prayers. Canadians are now instructed to pray in the name of the secular “trinity” of DIE, diversity, inclusivity and equity. The Liberal Government has placed itself before God and what Christians believe. The Government has chosen to worship at the altar of “neutrality” but must not force all Canadians to do the same. The majority of the men and women who died in war were Christians. We must respect that truth, and that much of Canada was founded on Judaeo-Christian principles.
As Christian Canadians, we must reject this heretical directive.