Today, we post Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio's work, The Supper at Emmaus. It depicts the story of two disciples who meet a stranger on their way to Emmaus. They tell him what had happened in Jerusalem with Jesus being crucified and rising from the dead. The disciples invite the man to dinner and there they recognize to their heart's content the man to be Jesus. 

When the two got back to Jerusalem they told the other disciples and "recounted what had taken place on the way and how he was made known to them in the breaking of the bread." (Matthew 24:35) Great art can help us better understand and live our faith. It can be a window to what we believe and love. 

From Art and History:

Also known as Pilgrimage of Our Lord to Emmaus.

A letter was recently released from Archbishop Francis Leo to celebrate Catholic Education Week, from May 5-10. The message says all the right things but misses the elephant in the room. The separate schools have been colonized by the secular policy of DIE, diversity, inclusion and equity. In addition, a radical comprehensive-sex curriculum and critical race theory have also entered the schools.

In this post we quote the Ottawa Catholic School Board, OCSB, statement regarding gender. We cite it in its entirety because parents must see for themselves that anti-Catholic teaching has now become a component of “Catholic” school teaching about human sexuality, human identity, marriage and family.

Parents who want to remove their children from Ontario's controversial sex-curriculum revised in 2019, may do so by filling out an Exemption Form. We post it below in this blog entry. The kind of topics that parents should be concerned with is that students will taught in Grade 5 about sexual orientation, in Grade 7, sexual consent and in Grade 8, gender, gender identity and gender expression.

The largest Catholic board in Ontario, the Toronto Catholic District School Board, failed to pass a pro-life motion last night at its regular monthly meeting. The motion was tabled by trustee Michael Del Grande.

Today we post the poem "Jerusalem" by William Blake. It comes from his preface epic, Milton: A Poem in Two Books. The music was for the poem was written by Sir Hubert Parry and the orchestration done by Sir Edward Elgar. The poem is a warning to what happens when the sheep (a nation) decide to abandon God and go it alone. 

"Jerusalem" refers to the Book of Revelation (3:12, 21:2) describing the Second Coming, when Jesus will construct the New Jerusalem.

Let's forget politics and news for the moment. Today, we go back to 2013, when a young girl Amira Willighagen beautifully sang "Ave Maria" ("Hail Mary") during the semi-final of Holland's Got Talent. She eventually won the competition, and you will soon hear why when you listen to her performance, if you have not heard it.

A sickening recent report by the United Nations on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) is another reason to defund the world organization. It has become morally corrupt. The report is titled, The 8 March Principles for a Human Rights-Based Approach to Criminal Law Proscribing Conduct Associated with Sex, Reproduction, Drug Use, HIV, Homelessness and Poverty. It's written by International Commission of Jurists.

Today this fourth Sunday of Easter, we post the 77 Graces and Fruits that come from devout participation at Holy Mass. The list comes from Fr. Martin Cochem's text, "Cochem's Explanation of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass."

"He who devoutly hears Holy Mass will receive a great vigor to enable him to resist mortal sin, and there shall be pardoned to him all venial sins which he may have committed up to that hour." - St. Augustine


A motion will be tabled at the next Toronto Catholic District School Board meeting to annually fly at all schools the pro-life flag during the month of May. In June, the board policy is now to fly the pride at all schools. The motion would also require teachers to cover curriculum during that month on Church teaching regarding the sanctity of life, marriage and family. The motion is being put forward by trustee Michael Del Grande.
Welcome To This Blog
Welcome To This Blog
A warm welcome to everyone to this blog. This blog is an effort by Lou Iacobelli, a Canadian and father who cares about life, family and Canada. My hope is that you will find this humble media project of evangelization useful. The aim to help educate and activate Christians and all people of good will with the overall goal of restoring Canada to a "culture of life." May you always be encouraged to seek the Truth as the first step in seeking understanding.
Deuteronomy 30,19
Deuteronomy 30,19
See, I have set before you today life and prosperity, death and adversity; I call heaven and earth to witness against you today that I have set before you life and death, blessing and curses. Choose life so that you and your descendants may live.
Blog Archive
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About Me
About Me
Catholic father, grandfather and retired high school teacher. We're pro-life and pro-family. We believe in the right to life because without it there are no other rights. We stand for freedom of speech and the autonomy of the family.
1 Timothy 2:1-5
1 Timothy 2:1-5
First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings should be made for everyone, for kings and all who are in high positions, so that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and dignity. This is right and is acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour, who desires everyone to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.
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