In the October issue of the Magnificat there is a short biography about St. Luigi Orione who died in 1940 and whose feast day is March 12th. 

Here's the little that we are told about his life:

'There is a supreme need and a supreme remedy for healing the wounds of this poor country that is so beautiful but so unfortunate! Take hold of the hearts and the affections of the people and enlighten the youth: pour into everyone the great idea of Catholic redemption.' Aloysius Luigi Orione was born in Italy in 1872. His father dug roads for a living. Luigi joined the Franciscan at thirteen, but left after a year because of poor health. He was a student of St. john Bosco for three years, and entered a seminary shortly after Bosco's death.

Today, in Canada the liturgy celebrates the eight Canadian martyrs. It should be a day to pray and recall the ultimate faith sacrifice and witness that these eight people gave to this land and the world. However, in woke Canada, we no longer make much of the celebration. No doubt even our "Catholic" schools have forgotten the martyrs. It's not politically correct. 

Sadly, too many are even embarrassed to mention their names because they are seen as colonizers.

Nemanja Majdov the Serbian world champion of Judo refused to bow down to the god of secularism. He openly made the sign of the cross before his match at the Olympic Games. Would we do the same?

The very Christian principles, love of God and neighbour, that have built Western civilization are now under attack, not from outside forces but from within.

As we start the school year, it's also a good time to remember that parents are the first educators of their chidren. This is primarily true in introducing them to the faith, teaching them by example and making sure that the family home is the domestic church.

In the September issue of the Magnificat, we have a wonderful artistic depiction of how mothers and fathers are called to be Christian witnesses and catechists. The front cover depicts a painting attributed to Master of St.

Here are the lyrics to "I Saw the Light" written by Hank Williams. The post needs no other words. We hope you like the music and song.

There is the constant threat by Ontario teachers' unions to go on strike. What do they always want? More money. More benefits. Just ten years ago Ontario spent over $24 billion on education. The budget  for the current school year is over $37 billion. That's a 65% jump.

Ontario puts more tax dollars in education than most provinces. It amounts to spending $14,000 to educate each student attending school. Most of the money spent goes to pay teacher salaries.

Those at the top at the Toronto Catholic District School Board are pushing for a human rights policy. It all sounds so progressive and positive. The words are about promoting and protecting "human rights of all TCDSB members to learn, function and work in an equitable, accessible." How can anyone question that? But there is a big problem.

We already have laws in Canada and Ontario to protect citizens' civil and human rights.

It's a good time, when we are being told that diversity of religions is willed by God, to return to Pope John Paul II's first encyclical, Redemptor Hominis (Latin for the Redeemer of Man). The document is a powerful sermon about man's true identity, his search for meaning and that redemption can only come from Christ. No "diversity" here or "inclusion" to exclude believers. Often the best way forward is to look backward.

We agree with Action4Canada that Canadians must stop Bill C-293 from becoming law. Please read the notice below and take the appropriate action. Let your senator know that you don't support this terrible legislation. We must not let the government further erode "freedom of speech, thought, belief and the right to life, liberty and security." These rights don't belong to the government to give to the citizenry: they are our God given rights.

Today, the liturgy celebrates the Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross. From the Office of Readings we find the following reflection by Saint Andrew of Crete titled, "The Cross is Christ's glory and triumph. "Behold the cross of the Lord: let his enemies flee before him. The lion of Judah, of the stock of David, is victorious. Alleluia.We are celebrating the feast of the cross which drove away darkness and brought in the light.
Welcome To This Blog
Welcome To This Blog
A warm welcome to everyone to this blog. This blog is an effort by Lou Iacobelli, a Canadian and father who cares about life, family and Canada. My hope is that you will find this humble media project of evangelization useful. The aim to help educate and activate Christians and all people of good will with the overall goal of restoring Canada to a "culture of life." May you always be encouraged to seek the Truth as the first step in seeking understanding.
Deuteronomy 30,19
Deuteronomy 30,19
See, I have set before you today life and prosperity, death and adversity; I call heaven and earth to witness against you today that I have set before you life and death, blessing and curses. Choose life so that you and your descendants may live.
Blog Archive
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About Me
About Me
Catholic father, grandfather and retired high school teacher. We're pro-life and pro-family. We believe in the right to life because without it there are no other rights. We stand for freedom of speech and the autonomy of the family.
1 Timothy 2:1-5
1 Timothy 2:1-5
First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings should be made for everyone, for kings and all who are in high positions, so that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and dignity. This is right and is acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour, who desires everyone to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.
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