The slippery slope of legalizing euthanasia
Euthanasia is legal in a number of European countries including Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, Germany, Spain and it looks like the United Kingdom will also soon join the group and expand the culture of death.
In Canada, Medical assistance in dying (MAID), which is another expression for euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide was legalized on June 17, 2016. Since then, over 65,000 Canadians have been intentionally killed through "health care". All legal.
Before 2016, euthanasia was pushed in Canada as much needed compassionate medical care. Why let a person suffer in pain when a solution is available? It's was positively refereed to as "end of life care" and "death with dignity".
In Canada, Medical assistance in dying (MAID), which is another expression for euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide was legalized on June 17, 2016. Since then, over 65,000 Canadians have been intentionally killed through "health care". All legal.
Before 2016, euthanasia was pushed in Canada as much needed compassionate medical care. Why let a person suffer in pain when a solution is available? It's was positively refereed to as "end of life care" and "death with dignity".