More than four years have passed since the statue of the first prime minister of Canada Sir John A Macdonald at Queen’s Park was boarded up with sheets of plywood. This is the home of the Ontario government, the Legislative Assembly. MacDonald was the first prime minister of Canada.
Why was the statue covered-up in 2020? It was in reaction to the death of the black American George Floyd at the hands of a white police officers. The incident led to protests in both Canada and the United States. Black Lives Matter and Every Child Matters were constantly in the news. And as a result, many historical public statues were vandalized and painted over. The one of Sir John A. Macdonald at Queen's Park was covered in red paint. So, the woke decision was made to cover it from public view.
Look, Sir John A. Macdonald was no perfect politician and person, but who is? We forget that he gave Indigenous Peoples the right to vote. Was the man all good? Of curse not, but let's deal with Canada's history as adults. We know the past isn't perfect. The same must be said of the present. We recall the words of Jesus about the woman caught in adultery, "So when they continued asking him, he lifted himself up and said unto them, He that is without sin among you, let him be the first to cast a stone at her." We know how that ended.We can learn form the past, not hide in shame from it. So, tomorrow as Canada celebrates 60 years of the new Maple Leaf flag introduced in 1965, let's uncover the statue dedicated to Sir John A. MacDonald. It's long overdue. In the end, the man is the founding father of Confederation and played a role in the building the Canadian Pacific Railway. Otherwise what is the flag for? A commemoration of a piece of cloth? No, let's make it about Canadians, a nation, patriotism, family and God.
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