US Vice President JD Vance gave a timely and powerful speech at the Munich Security Conference. It schooled European leaders and those present on the important Western issues of democracy, freedom of speech and open borders. He said it's a mistake to "retreat" from free speech in Europe. In his words, "The threat that I worry most about, vis-a-vis Europe, is not Russia, it's not China, it's not any other external actor."
He added, "What I worry about is the threat from within: the retreat of Europe from some of its most fundamental values — values shared with the United States of America. Across Europe, free speech, I fear, is in retreat. Under Donald Trump's leadership, we may disagree with your views, but we will defend your right to offer it in the public square — agree or disagree." The European political establishment will have a meltdown over this, even though it's mere common sense and representational governing.
Vance concluded his talk by quoting the famous line of Pope St. John Paul II: "Do not be afraid," to do what is democratically right and just. Make citizenry great again.
Here's more of what he said:
Well thank you and thanks to all the the gathered delegates and luminaries and media professionals. Thanks especially to the host of the Munich Security Conference for being able to put on such an incredible event. We're of course thrilled to be here. We're happy to be here and you know one of the things that I wanted to talk about today is of course our shared values. You know it's great to be back in Germany as you heard earlier I was here last year as United States Senator.
I saw foreign minister excuse me foreign secretary David Lamy and joked that both of us last year had different jobs than we have now. But now it's time for all of our countries, for all of us, who have been fortunate enough to be given political power by our respective peoples to use it wisely to improve their lives. I want to say that you know I was fortunate in my time here to spend some time outside the walls of this conference over the last 24 hours. I've been so impressed by the hospitality of the people even of course as they're reeling from yesterday's horrendous attack.
The first time I was ever in Munich was with wife actually who's here with me today on a personal trip. I've always loved the city of Munich. I've always loved its people and I just want to say that we're very moved. Our thoughts and prayers are with Munich and everybody affected by the evil inflicted on this beautiful Community.
We're thinking about you. We're praying for you and we will certainly be rooting for you in the day and weeks to come. Now I hope that's not the last bit of applause that I get as we gather at this conference of course to discuss security. Normally we mean threats to our external security. I see many great military leaders gathered here today but while the Trump Administration is very concerned with European security and believes that we can come to a reasonable settlement between Russia and Ukraine.
We also believe that it's important in the coming years for Europe to step up in a big way to provide for its own defence the threat that I worry the most about vis-a-vis Europe is not Russia; it's not China; it's not any other external actor. What I worry about is the threat from within. The retreat of Europe from some of its most fundamental values values shared with the United States of America.
Just listen to the whole speech below as delivered by JD Vance.
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