Yesterday, we quoted from the Pontifical Council for Culture and Inter-religious Dialogue document titled, Jesus Christ: the Bearer of the Water of Life. It's a great resource in dealing with New Age practices, the new world order and the current "religion" of man. In short, it's about liberating ourselves and non-believers from evil possession and temptations which enslave us through sin. It's a great Church guide to read but even more so to study in a parish group.
Here's what the text aims to accomplish:
The following reflections are meant as a guide for Catholics involved in preaching the Gospel and teaching the faith at any level within the Church. This document does not aim at providing a set of complete answers to the many questions raised by the New Age or other contemporary signs of the perennial human search for happiness, meaning and salvation. It is an invitation to understand the New Age and to engage in a genuine dialogue with those who are influenced by New Age thought.
The document guides those involved in pastoral work in their understanding and response to New Age spirituality, both illustrating the points where this spirituality contrasts with the Catholic faith and refuting the positions espoused by New Age thinkers in opposition to Christian faith. What is indeed required of Christians is, first and foremost, a solid grounding in their faith. On this sound base, they can build a life which responds positively to the invitation in the first letter of Saint Peter: “always have your answer ready for people who ask you the reason for the hope that you all have. But give it with courtesy and respect and a clear conscience” (1 P 3, 15 f.).
The last section of the resource examines the differences between Christianity and New Age ideas and practices. Believers should not only not be deceived but instruct others about the truth. Twenty four years later after the document was published it's worth revisiting: Here's one important contrast:
Is our future in the stars or do we help to construct it?
The New Age which is dawning will be peopled by perfect, androgynous beings who are totally in command of the cosmic laws of nature. In this scenario, Christianity has to be eliminated and give way to a global religion and a new world order.
Christians are in a constant state of vigilance, ready for the last days when Christ will come again; their New Age began 2000 years ago, with Christ, who is none other than “Jesus of Nazareth; he is the Word of God made man for the salvation of all”. His Holy Spirit is present and active in the hearts of individuals, in “society and history, peoples, cultures and religions”. In fact, “the Spirit of the Father, bestowed abundantly by the Son, is the animator of all”. We live in the last times.
One more difference between Christian belief and New Age practices.
Do we invent truth or do we embrace it?
New Age truth is about good vibrations, cosmic correspondences, harmony and ecstasy, in general pleasant experiences. It is a matter of finding one's own truth in accordance with the feel- good factor. Evaluating religion and ethical questions is obviously relative to one's own feelings and experiences.
Jesus Christ is presented in Christian teaching as “The Way, the Truth and the Life” (John 14.6). His followers are asked to open their whole lives to him and to his values, in other words to an objective set of requirements which are part of an objective reality ultimately knowable by all.
Readers do check out the rest with the above link. Jesus is the way and the truth and the life.
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