Canadian star singer Bryan Adams has released the perfect song for our times, especially for Canada. It's an anti-tariff anthem and more. The song also speaks of what has happened in other Western nations. It's titled, "Roll With The Punches." We believe people around the globe will relate to its timely message: "Roll with the punches - and get back up again." Click at the bottom and take a listen.
Rollin' (rollin'), rollin' with the punches
Rollin' (rollin')
Sometimes life can hit ya hard
Might even leave you scarred
You wanna find out who's your friend?
You may never know - until the bitter end
You got to roll with the punches - take it on the chin
Roll with the punches - might lose before you win
And get knocked down to the ground, but that don't change a thing
Roll with the punches - and get back up again
Rollin' (rollin'), rollin' with the punches
Rollin' (rollin'), rollin' with the punches
Sometimes you need to fight
And stand up for what you think is right
But there's some things you never get to choose
Like when you ain't got nothing, you got nothing left to lose
You got to roll with the punches - that's what you gotta do
Roll with the punches - that's what I say to you
You might be down, you might be out, you might be broke in two
You got to roll with the punches - if you wanna make it through
Oh, you gotta roll with the punches, yeah
Rollin', rollin'
Yeah rollin'
Keep rollin'
Rock and rollin'
Roll with the punches - take it on the chin
Roll with the punches - might lose before you win
And get knocked down to the ground, but that don't change a thing
Roll with the punches - and get back up again
Rollin' (rollin')
Rollin' (rollin')
Rollin' (rollin')
Rollin' (rollin')
Rollin' (rollin')
Rollin' (rollin')
Rollin' (rollin')
Rollin' (rollin')
Rollin' (rollin')
Rollin' (rollin')
Rollin' (rollin')
Roll with the punches - and get back up again
We are called, through the sacrament of Confirmation, to be Christian soldiers of Jesus Christ. And to use spiritual tools, such as prayer and the sacraments, to fight against the world, the flesh and the devil.
St. Paul, in his letter to the Corinthians 10: 3-5, describes the battle this way: "For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty to God unto the pulling down of fortifications, destroying counsels, And every height that exhalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every understanding unto the obedience of Christ." So, yes, let's "Roll with the punches - and get back up again."
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